Mention the term Black soldier fly larvae and watch people’s eyes light up-if they’re nutrition geeks, that is. Meet the unlikeliest of heroes from the insect world, one little critter that can get pretty serious about nutrition. Let’s explore, shall we, why they may just be the next trendy superfood? Or, more likely, you watch one of those chefs on television, flicking a pinch of salt or shaking some chili flakes with panache, like they were leading an orchestra. You know if you did that with black soldier fly larvae, you would be sprinkling protein-rich goodness onto your meal. For sure, its protein content is up there with some fish and meats. Big things in small packages, or what?
With their protein, they have been rolling the red carpet in many industries: from animal feed to probably being eaten by humans soon.
And you think that’s the only claim to fame, strut up these larvae with healthy fats in their makeup, too. Their fat content does not only provide energy but comes packed with beneficial lipids. That’s literally your one-stop shop for good eats-or if you will, a health food store on legs.
As it said, “Variety is the spice of life,” and the black soldier fly larvae are the seasoned pros. These insects are all those vitamins and minerals combined, making any multivitamin jealous. Rich in calcium, iron, and zinc-not just tacked-on words in every other seminar on wellness, but real health agents masked in these creatures. Minerals that underpin growth and development, coupled with sound immune functions, find such a beautiful link with their biology. Now, regarding fiber: not the type that gives you super-fast Internet, which would be fantastic, either. I’m talking about the type of fiber that assists in digestion.